AroundSquare Knucklebone Acrylic


SKU: N/A Category:

Warning: The acrylic “Ice Bones” tend to attract the interest of children, but they present a choking hazard, so keep them away from children under 10.

About the Acrylic “Ice” Knucklebones

The clear acrylic “Ice Bones” are lightweight, and have a smooth, glossy finish that provides good grip during play. The combination of weight and grip makes them less prone to drops, and is also excellent for many advanced moves that involve manipulating the kbone from one of the ends. Players accustomed to the momentum and gravity effect of the heavier metal versions may take some time to adjust to this style of play, but those interested in tricks and technical play will find this version extremely flexible and entertaining.

The Ice Bones are quite striking visually. They are fully transparent, and refract light in very interesting ways due to their curvatures, allowing for some stunning photography possibilities. The coloured versions are dyed with excellent colour saturation.


*The colour of the bag may variate.


Azul, Branco, Laranja, Roxo, Vermelho


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